Our mortgages have been created to meet the needs of first time landlords right through to those with an extensive property portfolio.
If you would like to know more about our mortgages, you can chat to your own broker but if you don’t have one, you might want to contact Like Mortgage Advice* who can offer advice on Kensington’s products without any obligation or cost to you, both before and during the mortgage application process.
Please note, Like Mortgage Advice can only advise you on Kensington Mortgage products and do not advise on products provided by any other lenders.
You can call them direct on 0203 827 8940 or email them at open@likemortgageadvice.com.
If you prefer, you can find your own broker by visiting unbiased.co.uk where you’ll find a list of mortgage advisers to choose from.
*Like Mortgage Advice Limited is an appointed representative of Hawke Financial Services LLP, who are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA Register No. 478284).
Buying your first Buy to Let property? We'll consider your application whether you're applying in your personal name or through a Limited Company. If you're a residential homeowner, we won't need you to evidence a minimum personal income.
If you’re an experienced landlord we won’t limit your aspirations. We don't put a cap on the number of properties in your portfolio. And, if you’re an existing landlord you won’t need to have a minimum personal income.
If you’re buying property through a Limited Company, we could help you. When applying, you won’t have to submit a formal business plan. Also, we’ll only assess the existing properties your Limited Company owns. We won't assess properties you own in your personal name.
Want to buy a new home without selling your current one? Our Let to Buy mortgages mean you can apply for a Buy to Let mortgage on your current home, and a residential mortgage for your new home. This means you can let out your current home, without having to sell it.
Also known as HMOs and MUBs. We can lend on your HMO properties such as student lets of up to 6 bedrooms. We can also lend on MUBs, including self-contained flats within a single building of up to 6 units.
Our Green eKo Reward mortgage pays you £500 cashback, upon completion, when you purchase a property with an energy efficiency rating of A, B or C.